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My News Ideas​
1. Movie Night hold by A!YA Club
2. New International Students
3. The Math Club

International Questions

-------BBA NEWS

   For the News Project, I paired up with Lydia Zhang who is a junior from China. We got a really exciting and fun idea about the interview we are going to film for BBA News. Mr. Muench thought it would be super cool if we film the whole video in Chinese with Chinese students since Chinese is the second Language at BBA and we want people to get a deeper impression on what does Chinese sound like. Also, it would be really interesting for native speakers to watch. Our topic this time is "Hey Chinese students at BBA, what do you want to tell your American friends about China?". We included many fun facts but also some serious and sensitive topics and present them in an easy, relaxed atmosphere so that people can think about and accept them. 
   We sent out a message about our ideas to the Chinese group and we got some volunteers include Lisa Li, Rose Wang, Steven Ge, Peter Zhao and James Zhang. We started to film the interview part on Wednesday last week during flex in the library. The setting up of equipment went a little tough. We didn't check on the key light before we headed out but the light didn't work so we need to run back to the studio and change another one twice. This is what we definitely need to be aware of next time shooting. The shooting process went pretty well. We have students talking in front of the camera nicely and they pointed out some really interesting facts like not every Chinese student is good at math and there is no orange chicken and fortune cookies in China. They talked about the territorial sovereignty of China and we need respect. We all had fun while filming. We selected the having-fun parts and made a bonus video which is showed below.
Behind the camera
selfie time
    During C block we filmed the starting and ending part and we prepared the manuscripts in advance. Steven Ge came to help us with the image and filming. We chose the to shoot in the Smith Building near the stairs with different foreign quotes on the wall to show the diversity in BBA. The battery was dead during the shooting process so I had to run back to get another battery. I need to the more careful and thoughtful next time when I go out and film. The shooting was nice, we got nice light and looks. We did some introduction to the topic. We filmed the ending part near the senior steps inside of the building. We didn't get great light so the picture doesn't look very nice even though I corrected the light when editing. It was fun shooting the ending, we laughed a lot. 
    The filming parts were all set and it's relatively easy. The hard part was to add English subtitles to the whole video word by word. I edited the whole video and I send it to Lydia. We separated the editing workload to both of us and it was actually not as hard as we imagined. We put the two parts together after finishing our own work.  
    The final video is satisfying. We got two videos, the shorter one for news project and the long one is going to be put on the BBA News's website for people who are interested to watch. 
    This is my first time making an integrated interview. I enjoyed myself a lot in the process of filming, editing and presenting. I am really glad that people love the video. I will be working hard to try new things and do my best to accomplish.
    (Special thanks to Lydia, Steven and other people who helped out with.
Integraded video 
The manuscript for starting and ending.


-------BBA NEWS

We got great feedback on the first International Questions. We decided to keep doing the in- Chinese news and make it a tradition and sequence. During the time period of American Midterm Election, we came up with the topic which is how do some of the American policies influence China and Chinese international students. The holistic feelings of this interview are quite different from the last one. We want to deliver some serious political opinion in a relaxing mode. There are some sensitive topics and comments. We are aware but we really want to show more people the real thoughts and perspectives as a foreign country.
  We reached out to four of our Chinese student at BBA who are Lisa Li, Steven Ge, Rose Wang and Hannah Wang. We shot the interview part with them during flex block on Wednesday. The camera set and the lighting in the cinematography room were gorgeous. The light came from different directions makes the whole picture looks great. Four of them look beautiful. The filming went pretty well but I think we can improve on the preparation of the content people are going to present for ahead so that we don't need to spend extra time on organizing language during the shooting process. The main events they talked about were the trading war, the tax increase, the visa reduction and the migration policy. Those topics are really interesting and they can bring people to think more about international and national impacts.
    In the afternoon, Lydia and I tried to shoot the starting and the ending part in the hallway. Unfortunately, the camera and the lighting was horrible.


We didn't get what we expected so we decided to reshoot it tomorrow. We prepared what we want to say and on the next day, we finished shooting with the help of Charlie and Sean. The weather was great except for the coldness. We chose the place in front of the Seminary Building. We used two mikes this timed the recorders this time.
   The difficulty this time was still the translating part.  This time is harder than the last because of the inclusion of political perspectives and international affairs. We will definitely try our best to deliver the meanings. Also, the sound would be another hard case this time. We need to cut the sound and match it with the edited video. We hope that people will like it.
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