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Interview project 1


Being an Interviewer 
My Interview with Willian Frank
     I interviewed William Frank who is a senior at BBA. The day we were shooting outside was very nice. We chose the bench in front of the library. We learned how to set up equipment including cameras,  key lights and mike. We used the "Rule of Thirds" to put William on the top right cross curve and the whole picture was pretty nice. I didn't come up with what I was gonna ask him but the interview process actually went fluently. I asked about his interest inside and outside of the school and a little bit about his future.  
     The editing part was fun. I cut the video into many small pieces without my voice in it. And I created a B roll to put into William's pictures and some other of the figures that are relevant to the interview like sports.
     I also added a vivid background music to the video and it was great I think. 
     I think what I need to improve is that I should do more preparation on the questions I want to ask to show the interviewee better. Overall, I think I did a great job on my first interview project.
Being in the Back of the Camera
William Frank's Interview with Emma Tschaikowsky
     William Frank Interviewed Emma Tschaikowsky and I shoot the video. We used the "Rule of Thirds" to input the interviewee in the right side of the picture since he was looking at the interviewer to the left and it allowed more space get into the direction he was looking at. The interview began after I pressed the recording bottom and said "Camera rolling, action". It felt great to be a "director" and watch how the filming process was going. The interview went well and many good questions were asked and answered.  There are some great pictures that were added to the video related to Emma.
The improvement  I may say is the cohesion of the pictures and the content, B roll in other words. It will be better of the pictures are shown right at the point which Emma is talking about. 
Being the Interviewee
Emma Tschaikowsky's interview with me.
    I  was interviewed at this time. I volunteered to go first and I was nervous in front of the camera since it is my first interview.  Emma asked a lot about my experience of learning including study a new language, study abroad and how is the life been at BBA. When I started to talk, I found myself in a comfortable position and my answers were actually pretty good I think. I talked a little bit about myself, my family, my feelings and experience of living in an unfamiliar foreign country. We used the "Rule of Thirds" again, the whole picture looks nice. The process of filming was good. We had few of episodes like laughing and didn't answer with the repeating the questions.
  During the editing part, I sent pictures about myself, my family and China to Emma so that she can add to the B roll properly when I am talking.
  To be interviewed, I think it is important to be relaxed and express your answer clearly and integrated.
aia think I did a great job first time facing a camera and to be able to illustrate my experience and feelings.
Being an Interviewer
My Second Interview with Lydia Zhang
 This is my second interview and this time I interviewed Lydia Zhang who is a senior who comes from China. We chose the bench in front of the Seminary Building. After raining the weather was nice. Having the experience of asking others questions, this time the interviewing process went pretty well. I asked some questions about herself such as her interests and preference of colleges and major. It is great to interview people because you get to know them in the way that you are interested.
  After editing the main roll,  I asked her for pictures about herself and I also search the related pictures on line. There are lots of great pictures that are put into the B roll. The Rule of Thirds was used and also the key light. The whole video looks great. We did a good job.
Being in the Back of Camera
Lydia Zhang's Interview with Emma Tschaikowsky
My second shooting video is the interview between Lydia and Emma. The weather was nice out, we set up in front of the Seminary Building. I helped a lot with the setting up. I carried out the bipods and set the camera up. Pressing the recording button and direct the video's shooting is just a fun thing to do. Rule of Thirds and the key light were used. Lydia asked a lot of questions about track and field to Emma since Emma loves it. 
The suggestion on the editing would give is add more related good pictures in the B roll in order to have a more colorful interview.
Being the Interviewee
William Frank's Interview with me
The second time being in front of a camera, I was not as nervous as I was last time. William Frank interviewed me and he is interested in the instrument I play which is called the zither so he asked a few questions about it. Being interviewed is actually really satisfied. You got to know what others are interested in you and you can answer them.  It is more likely a conversation between friends instead of a serious interview.
The pictures in B roll are great. The improvement as I see is the position of my body in the video. upper and righter and closer would be nicer. 
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