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Cinema Critique 2

Pieces from ---

Dying to Survive


Dying to Survive is one of the best Chinese
films in 2018. It was  adapted by real story.
Luyong is the boss of a store selling India
God Oil. The movies illustrates the experience
Luyong smuggles Lenin medicine which can
heal CGL and are much cheaper from India.
People support their lives by this medicine but smuggling is law-breaking in China no matter what the situation is. Luyong got arrested. The scene is about Luyong being arrested and he is on the patrol wagon. People who Luyong helped with all come to send him off. The scene is incredible and so moved. 
It started with the scene about Luyong sitting in the patrol wagon below. The expression changed when Luyong looks up and looks around. 
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The scene cuts to a higher position with his head in focus and the people outside unfocus.  The cut then moves to another one from the other side of Luyong, with a clearer image of other people. He seems shocked and confused. This series best presents the mental activity and also acts as the start of a high tide. The expression is showed carefully and appealing.
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The scene then changes to the outside of the patrol wago with the help of the glass reflection. The portrait becomes vague to clear. There is another scene change which the lens come back to the inside of the car. Luyong is in frame with a emphasize of other people.
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A closer shot and a tradition to the back of Luyong help to transmit the scene to the out look of the car and the people become the emphasis. The shot is above the masses's heads and it shows the statement of Luyong in the car. The cut changes to the people. They are all patients and they are all wearing masks. when the car is passing by---- the lens go from left to right with the motion of the car, they take their masks off. The shot shows the expression of each person, their appreciation and sadness. 
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From a far lens to a closer shot, the specific scene shows the other main characters in the movie including the two who died from the disease and an car accident. The movie get to the highest point when two appear in the crowd. The faces are showed really impressive. The shot then goes back to Luyong. He lay lack on the car and smiled.
This movie is so great that teaches people what are some serious and sensitive problems we still have in this society. People do nt have enough money to purchase medicine with whopping price. People who are positive and are heroes are arrested  at the end even though they're doing the right thing morally and saves lots of lives. I cried so hard when watching this. Go and check it out!
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-------BBA NEWS

We got great feedback on the first International Questions. We decided to keep doing the in- Chinese news and make it a tradition and sequence. During the time period of American Midterm Election, we came up with the topic which is how do some of the American policies influence China and Chinese international students. The holistic feelings of this interview are quite different from the last one. We want to deliver some serious political opinion in a relaxing mode. There are some sensitive topics and comments. We are aware but we really want to show more people the real thoughts and perspectives as a foreign country.
  We reached out to four of our Chinese student at BBA who are Lisa Li, Steven Ge, Rose Wang and Hannah Wang. We shot the interview part with them during flex block on Wednesday. The camera set and the lighting in the cinematography room were gorgeous. The light came from different directions makes the whole picture looks great. Four of them look beautiful. The filming went pretty well but I think we can improve on the preparation of the content people are going to present for ahead so that we don't need to spend extra time on organizing language during the shooting process. The main events they talked about were the trading war, the tax increase, the visa reduction and the migration policy. Those topics are really interesting and they can bring people to think more about international and national impacts.
    In the afternoon, Lydia and I tried to shoot the starting and the ending part in the hallway. Unfortunately, the camera and the lighting was horrible.


We didn't get what we expected so we decided to reshoot it tomorrow. We prepared what we want to say and on the next day, we finished shooting with the help of Charlie and Sean. The weather was great except for the coldness. We chose the place in front of the Seminary Building. We used two mikes this timed the recorders this time.
   The difficulty this time was still the translating part.  This time is harder than the last because of the inclusion of political perspectives and international affairs. We will definitely try our best to deliver the meanings. Also, the sound would be another hard case this time. We need to cut the sound and match it with the edited video. We hope that people will like it.
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